About Us
Our Vision Statement:
To be recognized as the premier organization for the advancement of professional licensed child care and learning centers in Maryland.
Our Mission Statement:
To promote the growth and development of professional licensed child care and learning centers in Maryland.
MSCCA’s Philosophy On Race, Equity and Social Justice:
Our mission at MSCCA is to promote the growth and development of professional licensed childcare and learning centers in Maryland. It is our goal to embrace diversity in our membership, our programming, and our resources. We are disheartened to see the violence and continued oppression of people of color and the long-term negative effects this has on their health and well-being. As such, we believe that issues of race, equity, and social justice are an integral part of the learning environment. For educators and childcare providers, equity means access to quality professional development, earning a living wage, and bringing their home cultures into the learning environment. By creating antiracist learning environments, we empower children to embrace diversity in all its forms so they can become compassionate citizens of a global community.
Please join our local MSCCA Chapters or start your own!
For more info contact Christina Peusch, Executive Director at mscca1@comcast.net or call 410-820-9196 or contact the Chapter Representatives on website.
- MSCCA Board of Directors
- Board Members
- Committees
- Legislative Committees
- Our Chapters
- By-Laws
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