About Us
MSCCA Standing Committees
All committees, except as noted, are open to any member of MSCCA who would like to participate. Active participation in the work of the Association is a great way to expand your network of contacts, gain new skills and knowledge, and earns 1 Professional Activity Unit as part of your Child Care Credential. If you are interested in assisting with any committee effort, please contact the Committee Chair or Chris Peusch at 410-820-9196 or email at mscca1@comcast.net!
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee are the elected officers responsible for the management of the Association. The members also are part of the full Board of Directors, but their duties as officers are to see to the execution of the policies set by the Board. They develop recommendations on financial and policy matters for the Board. Each officer, with exception of the President, shall chair a standing or ad-hoc committee of the Association. The President shall appoint Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Chairs.
Administration and Bylaws
Responsible for maintaining the Association’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws current with changes in the corporate and tax laws; develops revisions to improve the administration and efficiency of the Association’s operations. All revisions to the MSCCA Bylaws are submitted to the full membership and shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the membership.
Responsible for developing recommendations for the Board on MSCCA positions on legislation at the Federal, State, and County level, and for educating public officials about issues important to MSCCA members. The Committee members meet with legislators to discuss pending legislation that affects MSCCA members and to ensure they understand the role and importance of professional licensed child care centers.
Membership & Membership Services
Responsible for maintaining and expanding the membership in MSCCA, including Associate Members, who are businesses that provide goods and services to child care centers. The Committee develops member service programs and promotions, as well as recruitment vehicles. The Committee works closely with the Professional Development Committee to promote member participation in the conferences. The Committee also maintains liaison with the Chapter Presidents to ensure that they have the support and information they need to operate effectively and serve members in their local areas.
Public Relations/Communications
Responsible for the overall direction of the Association’s communications to its members and to the general public. Produces the Association’s newsletter, Center Connections, which is published quarterly. Contributing articles and material to the newsletter earns 2 Professional Activity Credits.
(Members are set in MSCCA Bylaws) Responsible for recruiting and recommending candidates to the membership for election as Officers of the Association and as members of the Board of Directors.
Professional Development
Responsible for the planning and execution of the Association’s education programs for members, including programs to assist members and their staff to obtain the Child Care Credential. The major activity is the planning and execution of the Association’s two major conferences – the Spring Conference in late April and the Fall Symposium in mid-October.
Responsible for reviewing and analyzing proposed regulations affecting MSCCA members. The Committee members represent MSCCA on Child Care Administration committees and task forces. They gain a first-hand working knowledge of CCA activities, provide input on proposed regulations, and advocate for the interests of MSCCA members.
Task Force and Program Oversight
Responsible for attending various state level meetings and reporting back to the Board about updates, changes and any additions that need to be considered by the MSCCA Board and its members. Appropriate action will be considered by the Board and distributed to all MSCCA members. Current list of committees are subject to change: Judy Hoyer, Quality Rating Index System, Universal Pre-K, Office of Child Care Training
Community Outreach
Responsible for reporting to Board about community needs and outreach programs related to children and families throughout the state of Maryland. The committee will decide how MSCCA may participate and/or assist in various community outreach projects to best serve our membership. Committee is responsible for collaborating with partners to make a difference in communities across Maryland and to build a reputation of service and compassion.
Business Advisory Council/Committee
Responsible for advising the Board about opportunities for partnerships, grants for not for profits and tax deductible donations that would be used to provide scholarships, training, community outreach needs, increase all levels of membership with the MSCCA organization and further legislative action that will benefit members as well as the children and families we serve in the state of Maryland. Additionally, the Council will enhance networking opportunities for all of our members and mentor members and programs to achieve their goals.
The Maryland State Child Care Association does not endorse any commercial product, process, child care facility or enterprise, by trade name, service mark, manufacturer, provider with current membership in the MSCCA, or otherwise. Links to other websites and reference to any commercial product or enterprise are provided solely for your convenience, and do not constitute or imply MSCCA endorsement, recommendation or exclusive approval thereof. Accordingly, MSCCA does not endorse or assume responsibility for the content provided by any third-party website to which we are linked. The MSCCA website may contain links to website operated by third parties (“Facebook”, “Twitter”). MSCCA does not have any control over Third-Party Websites, each of which may be governed by its own terms of service and privacy policy. MSCCA does not warrant or endorse your use of any Third-Party Website or the content appearing thereon. By visiting or using the Third-Party Websites available through the MSCCA website you assume all responsibility and liability for all resulting harms, whether to You or to any third party, including without limitation as resulting from Your downloading or use of any content, software of other materials available therefrom.