Maryland’s highly rated educational system didn’t happen by accident. Behind the scenes, teams of professionals like the Maryland State Child Care Association (MSCCA) members are making sure our children are ready for Kindergarten. They do this by providing the best early care and education programs, teachers and opportunities available. The MSCCA is a local community nonprofit dedicated to ensuring our Maryland licensed child care and early learning centers have the support they need to maintain the highest standards.
Jennifer Nizer, founder and long-time President of Maryland State Child Care Association, has spent the better part of two decades being an advocate for child care programs, teachers, children and families. With the launch of the Jennifer Nizer Passion for Excellence grant, MSCCA hopes to inspire other educators to continue Jennifer’s legacy of energetic and creative leadership and advocacy, on behalf of young children throughout Maryland.

Are you passionate about working with young children?
Do you strive for excellence for children and for yourself as a teacher, provider, or program?
Let MSCCA help you ignite your passion and reach the high standards required in our state.
MSCCA will pay direct service payment to the college or certification program with this grant or Professional Development training needed to attain the highest levels of credentialing paid directly to MSDE approved trainers in Maryland.
Additionally, should your program need staff training, equipment, curriculum, assessment
tools or quality improvements to attain highest standards, MSCCA will use the grant funds
to pay for direct services or products needed for program quality.
Please read and follow the application guidelines below and submit your request by the deadline indicated.
Contact Christina Peusch at 410-820-9196 or email to [email protected] to answer questions or clarify application.
Please read the application for deadlines. Grant applicants must be members of the Maryland State Child Care Associations. All successful grantees must sign a grant agreement regarding the use of funds and project reporting at the time of receipt of funds. Noncompliance with the terms of the grant may influence future application decisions.
MSCCA is a 501(c)(3)Charitable Organization, EIN:52-1398476
Applying for grant? Click Here
You can upload your completed form here. However, we highly recommend that you send a follow up email that this application was received due to changing secure requirements for email accounts.
We are fortunate to live in a community with a diverse group of generous community and business partners, like you, make our mission possible. MSCCA would like to build this educational/resource fund and we are asking our business partners to step up.
Donate securely online here.
The Maryland State Child Care Association does not endorse any commercial product, process, child care facility or enterprise, by trade name, service mark, manufacturer, provider with current membership in the MSCCA, or otherwise. Links to other websites and reference to any commercial product or enterprise are provided solely for your convenience, and do not constitute or imply MSCCA endorsement, recommendation or exclusive approval thereof. Accordingly, MSCCA does not endorse or assume responsibility for the content provided by any third-party website to which we are linked. The MSCCA website may contain links to website operated by third parties (“Facebook”, “Twitter”). MSCCA does not have any control over Third-Party Websites, each of which may be governed by its own terms of service and privacy policy. MSCCA does not warrant or endorse your use of any Third-Party Website or the content appearing thereon. By visiting or using the Third-Party Websites available through the MSCCA website you assume all responsibility and liability for all resulting harms, whether to You or to any third party, including without limitation as resulting from Your downloading or use of any content, software of other materials available therefrom.