About Us
Legislative Committee
Our Legislative Committee focuses on the activities of the Maryland General Assembly and the Maryland Congressional delegation. The focus is on ensuring that the laws governing child care and financing of programs for children and child care providers enable our members to participate fully without unnecessary obstacles to the daily operations of their centers. MSCCA’s Executive Director is also a professional lobbyist and assists the Board and the Legislative Committee in achieving this objective. During the annual sessions of the Maryland General Assembly, members receive updates and alerts on legislation and issues affecting their businesses.
Our Regulatory Committee works closely with the Maryland State Child Care Administration to ensure that regulations and their application to our members are based on a “real world” approach to providing quality child care and early learning. We seek to maintain access and a cooperative relationship with the Maryland State Department of Education/Office of Child Care, while fighting for the least restrictive regulatory environment consistent with the quality programs for children that our members embrace.
Membership in the Legislative and Regulatory Committees are open to owners and staff of member centers, associate member businesses, and individuals.
Our members Individual Initiative: Legislators like to hear from their constituents on a variety of issues; however, our main goal is to make your voice heard on specific issues relating to the operation of professional child care centers in Maryland – but, you shouldn’t limit your contact. Whenever an opportunity arises to contact your elected official with information concerning an issue of interest to you, you should make the contact via the telephone, letter or an Email note. Work to make yourself a resource to your legislator on issues throughout the legislative session. If you try to become a resource – before you need their ear and assistance on an issue of importance to the child care community – you can have a far greater impact.
Make an appointment to meet in their district office;
Call the office to schedule a visit during session in Annapolis and plan your visit;
Send a letter outlining your position on a bill; make sure you share your role as a child care advocate;
Attend events scheduled by the MSCCA and our allies during the session;
And remember, after you speak with your elected official, no matter how brief the conversation, be certain to follow-up with a thank you ‘note’ that recaps your conversation and the key points you wanted to make. Be sure to include your address, telephone number (or email) for easy reference in the future.
Remember, there is a protocol to follow when addressing a letter/note to an elected official, and using the correct salutation will improve the credibility of your contact!
Visit the Maryland General Assembly.com for more information http://www.mlis.state.md.us
Save the Child Care Scholarship and the Credential Program for Providers in Maryland
MSCCA needs your voice! We are asking for your help with an action alert to restore the child care credentialing program on July 1, 2025, and save the child care scholarship program set to pause/freeze, due to budget constraints, in May 2025. Additionally, the...
Your Voice is Needed on SB462 and HB524
Dear Advocates, ACT now - and elevate your VOICE! MSCCA is back in action alert mode to empower you to advocate, and it only takes two minutes or less, but will make a big difference. We have provided two links below with instructions and a template ready for you to...
Letter to the DMB on Child Care Scholarships
Please take a moment to read our letter to the Department of Budget and Management aligning with our priorities agenda. We made great progress through legislation and regulations and will continue to advocate on behalf of childcare programs/businesses as an important...
MSDE’s Fast Track Application and Family Portal Create Speedy and Simple Process for Families to Receive Child Care Scholarship
MSCCA helped to get this child care scholarship presumptive eligibility legislation sponsored and advocated to pass last year to improve the child care scholarship system and processes. Read the Press Release from MSDE
Policy Changes and Improvements to the Child Care Scholarship (CCS) Program
The providers participating in this program are essential and their challenges are real. These challenges range from facing multiple attendance verification audits throughout the year to delayed payments. Further, slow processing of CCS program applications affects...
The Unrealized Potential of Child Care Scholarship in Maryland
Read the report on what the providers told us.
Executive Director Christina Peusch Appointed to the Commission on Trauma-Informed Care
MSCCA's Executive Director, Christina Peusch has been appointed to the Commission on Trauma-Informed Care by the Governor representative as the co-chair of the Office of Child Care Advisory Council. The Commission on Trauma-Informed Care is charged with coordinating a...
Citation from the Maryland Women’s Legislative Caucus
MSCCA is sharing the official citation from the Maryland Women’s Legislative Caucus recognizing our essential teachers in child care early childhood on National Day of Recognition for Child Care Providers! Maryland appreciates you and all...
Please Help Us Support HB 608 the Child Care Provider Support Act
MSCCA would like to share a letter from Delegate Jared Soloman asking for support for House Bill 608 the Child Care Provider Support Act. Please share and contact your legislators. This legislation is so important to the early child care industry. Good afternoon,...
MSCCA Gets a Thank You from Dr Salmon
MSCCA has received a letter from Assistant Superintendent Steven Hicks on behalf of Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon thanking us for our advocacy efforts on behalf of early childhood education in Maryland through our www.SaveMarylandChildCare.org campaign. An excerpt...
The Maryland State Child Care Association does not endorse any commercial product, process, child care facility or enterprise, by trade name, service mark, manufacturer, provider with current membership in the MSCCA, or otherwise. Links to other websites and reference to any commercial product or enterprise are provided solely for your convenience, and do not constitute or imply MSCCA endorsement, recommendation or exclusive approval thereof. Accordingly, MSCCA does not endorse or assume responsibility for the content provided by any third-party website to which we are linked. The MSCCA website may contain links to website operated by third parties (“Facebook”, “Twitter”). MSCCA does not have any control over Third-Party Websites, each of which may be governed by its own terms of service and privacy policy. MSCCA does not warrant or endorse your use of any Third-Party Website or the content appearing thereon. By visiting or using the Third-Party Websites available through the MSCCA website you assume all responsibility and liability for all resulting harms, whether to You or to any third party, including without limitation as resulting from Your downloading or use of any content, software of other materials available therefrom.