by Maryland Childcare Association | Nov 3, 2017 | Child Care Credentialing
If providers have never had payment from the State before and are not in the statewide FMIS system, they will need to submit a W-9 form with their packets. They can’t get paid until it is received. Here is the link to a printable version of the form:...
by Maryland Childcare Association | Nov 1, 2017 | Child Care Credentialing
Update from the Maryland State Department of Education Credentialing Branch: Please be advised that effective January 1, 2018, we will no longer accept the Maryland Child Care Credential Program application form that was revised 10/15. The newly revised application...
by Maryland Childcare Association | Nov 1, 2017 | Background Checks
Clarification of when to get printed: Anyone who was printed before September 22, 2012 MUST be printed NOW. Anyone printed after September 22, 2012 follow the fingerprinting schedule. *Exception – if you were printed on September 22, 2017 to date – you are...
by Maryland Childcare Association | Nov 1, 2017 | Background Checks
Out of state clarifications in CBC and sex offender registry below from MSDE: Remind providers who fall into this category that they are not ONLY seeking to obtain a criminal background check. They must ALSO obtain information on the State sex offender registry, and a...
by Maryland Childcare Association | Nov 1, 2017 | Background Checks
Information from TJ Bennett, Legislative Liaison/Program Developer MSDE/DECD/Office of Child Care regarding new fingerprinting requirements: Some of the fingerprint vendors have expressed a willingness to travel to locations to do mass fingerprinting. I believe the...
by Maryland Childcare Association | Nov 1, 2017 | Background Checks
Information from Maryland State Department of Education regarding new form: CJIS is requiring that every person (family, large family home, center, LOC) who works in child care, or who is required to be fingerprinted, sign and return the attached form to their Office...