What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is a proactive stance taken by individuals in response to particular issues that concern them. In early childhood education, the purpose of advocacy is to promote ideas and seek a resolution that will affect children and families in positive ways (Kieff 2009).

Why Legislative Updates?

We strive to keep you informed of the latest happenings in Annapolis impacting Early Childhood Education and work to meet with legislators to discuss pending legislation that affects MSCCA members.


We strive to keep you informed of the latest happenings in Annapolis impacting Early Childhood Education.

We have to Make Our Voices Heard: SB 1000 & HB 1300

Now is time to keep communication going with legislators ASAP all week long. They are making decisions over next few weeks and we MUST flood their offices with emails, phone calls and visits or their office of time allows. We have to make our voices heard. MSCCA is...

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MSCCA Op/Ed on Universal Pre-K

MSCCA recently submitted an Op/Ed to the Baltimore Sun on Jan. 9, 2020. The Sun has agreed to run this article but we also wanted to share the article with our members and social media followers. The Kirwan legislation Senate Bill 1000 dropped at the end of last week....

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Kirwan Bill HB1300-SB1000 Prekindergarten Sections

MSCCA has been able to make an impact in some of the legislation, but will submit more amendments on Monday at the Hearing. Will share our amendments on our legislative page! Please feel free to contact your legislators and let them know how this will impact you....

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The Right Way to Meet Kirwan’s Universal Pre-K Goal

By Christina Peusch We urge you to contact your legislators! Click here http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/members/district They need to hear from you !!! MSCCA will testify and ask for amendments. We need your voice to make a bigger impact as this will impact your...

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Benefits of NCCA Membership

We are proud partners of the National Child Care Association (NCCA). Just a few of the benefits of being a member of the NCCA: Advocacy = NCCA Leadership on the ground in D.C. representing YOU NCCA Voice - State and Federal updates in an easy format Membership in NCCA...

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